Seagulls, Mallards and Geese

Just a quick post of some of the shots that we took yesterday of some Geese, Seagulls and Mallards that we came across at a small lake in White Marsh Maryland.  We had a lot of fun taking them only wish we had brought along some crackers or bread. Oh well there will be a next time!


9 thoughts on “Seagulls, Mallards and Geese

  1. these are beautiful!
    they are very well taken and they look so great. you have true talent! i absulutely love these pictures and i love the one where you took a picture of the geese by itself, it looks so cool!

    • learningandgrowing02 thank you! Its funny because we had no intention of stopping at this particular lake but then we saw what must have been at least 40 Seagulls in the parking lot and we said hey why not stop. I ended up having a lot more fun shooting these birds than I thought we would. Now if I could only find an area around here known to have Eagles…I can dream right? lol

  2. LOL.. Between the both of us we shot more than 80 or so frames trying to get a few good ones of birds in flight and as you can see we only came up with 7 decent ones. It is difficult and to be honest it was my first attempt so only 2 of mine could be used for this post. I have to give credit to Marcus for getting a few really good shots of the seagulls in flight. Thanks so much for the compliment!

  3. Great shots! Love birds, they are fun & challenging, my favorite to shoot (after my grandson :-). Yes, you bring crackers, you’ll have many bird friends immediately, it’s like they call out and tell others. Kinda dumb, then they have to share! LOL But better for us photogs for great ops!

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