Zoolander Impressions?

Hi Guys,

On Saturday Marcus and I spent the afternoon taking pics at 2 different locations. The first one was at the Lake where we were taking pictures of the various birds around. The 2nd spot we went to was Gunpowder Falls State Park. I am usually the one tasked with taking pictures at family events probably because I am the one that always has photography on the mind. That being the case I wanted to experience being the subject matter of a picture or two. Its funny because when I look at our family albums I notice that for every hundred pictures of my wife and kids there is one with me in it. So I tried to get in touch with my inner Zoolander and here are some of the shots that Marcus took of me below. (Don’t worry we will get back to far more interesting subject matter in our next post)

Looking at something in the distance or at least pretending to.

My serious look

Marcus said something funny so I momentarily lost my serious Zoolander face

6 thoughts on “Zoolander Impressions?

  1. I’m like you and rarely in family photos…I’m always behind the camera. Kinda prefer that anyway. Great portraits and the one of you in the sport coat is just so natural looking!

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