My Favorite Black & Whites Part 1

I was just reviewing some of the black and white photographs taken in Dec. These were all taken at local parks here in Howard County MD. At this point I had only owned my dslr for 2 weeks before these were taken and I remember coming home kind of proud of what I thought I had captured with my lens. Of maybe 200 shots I think I only liked 4 or so and here they are below. My favorites of this group actually are my first and last shots. I really like the last photograph due to the branches over the path forming what looks to be a an entrance of a tunnel. From my vantage I was in the tunnel walking out. Anyways that is it for now because I am going to start trying to process my first real HDR photo (3 shots different exposures). I am really looking forward to this weekends possible adventure with Marcus to one of the local mansions in the area. Thanks for stopping by.I

12 thoughts on “My Favorite Black & Whites Part 1

    • Thanks for the compliment Abra. I too like the reflection on the lake although I was a little hesitant to post it due to the reflection in the lake. There is a view out there in photo land that the reflection should be avoided because it can take away from a photo. I say to each his own :-). I must say that I am very glad that you stopped by other wise I would not have seen the awesome images in your post “Photo Friday: Unwind”. All 3 of those photographs were awesome but I really love the first photo in the series. The different variations of purple and blue.. Simply fantastic! Thanks for stopping by.

      • Really?? I haven’t heard of this view. I always thought if you can capture such a great reflection it would only increase the impact of the photo. So I say “phooey” to whoever says that. 😉
        Thank you for your comments about my photos! The purple one is my favorite too, looking at it always reminds me how quiet and peaceful it was down there on the lake shore that morning.

      • Yeah well you will not get any arguments with me. From what I have heard from some professionals they are always trying to minimize that effect by using polarizing filters and neutral density filters and I have even seen other bloggers give advice to some on how to minimize the reflection. But I am with you “Phooey”!!

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