Quick Walk Along The Tracks

Marcus has been out of town for about a week so we have not been able to get out together for a little over a week. So over the past weekend I took a quick walk with my daughter and we went to an old abandoned railroad track which has not been used since 1979. We did not walk too far because it started to rain/flurry. Moisture & cameras and rain don’t play well together.

Top of the Derail

From what I understand a derail is used to prevent a car from rolling out onto the main line and it is placed on the spur track far enough away from the main so that if a car were to roll over and derail, it would not foul the main track.

My other love

14 thoughts on “Quick Walk Along The Tracks

  1. I really like the perspective and the lines, which make me want to follow the tracks to see where they lead. Your daughter is a beautiful model; she’s so natural. I hope that you shoot a lot of pictures of her.

  2. Love all your captures…..and that you’re taking & teaching your daughter the joy of photography! Too late for me on mine, but I so can’t wait to take my 10 month old grandson for nature walks and to teach him the joy of taking photos. Yea, it’s a ways off, at least I can start the walks this summer (with the stroller 🙂 ….but I did buy him his first camera (fisher price LOL) for Christmas! 🙂

    • Lol we had purchased Fisher Price cameras for christmas about 2 years ago. They actually did a decent job at the time. Great idea to start him taking shots a young age. My father picked up the hobby while I was in college. I wish he was still around because I can imagine us going on a few photo adventures.. Subconsciously it could be a part of the reason why I have picked up the photo bug. Thank for the comment and good luck with your grandson!

    • Thank you. Its funny my daughter was a little worried when I laid down to take this shot. Even though I told her that the track has not been used in 20 years she did not like it all and asked me not to do that again. I think I was lucky to get this shot because I only snapped off 2 from this position. Thanks again for the compliment!

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