My Lovely Mother In Law

I knew when I met my wife I was the luckiest man in the world.   What I did not realize was that by marrying her I would not only be gaining one but two beautiful women that I love dearly.  Over the years my love and fondness for her has grown immensely.  She is a woman of great moral character and one that I truly admire.   Every Christmas for the last 10 years she has made sure that I always received my favorite gift which is her home-made pumpkin roll.   She sends cards to us for literally each and every holiday in the year (some of which I did not know they made cards for :-)) which always makes me smile.   When her father passed a about 5 years ago I realized how much I really care for her.   I had never seen my mother in law cry before and the pain I felt watching her grieve was sharp.   A few years ago when my father was taken violently from this earth by two thugs that apparently just wanted his car she was there for me during my entire grieving process.   During the numerous court trials she helped me any way she could.  Whether it was taking the kids up to PA for the week or simply by bringing meals when she came by to visit.

My wife is always telling me how wonderful her childhood was.  Her mother was involved with the PTA and volunteered for most of the after school activities her daughters were involved in.  Whether it be hockey camp, girl scout retreats or band camp Cheryll was always there.  Growing up, breakfast, lunch and dinner were always a treat because Cheryll loves to cook.

I remember a few years ago our entire family took a cruise and some of the most memorable moments were that me and my mother in law would go out after everyone else went to bed for a drink and check out the night life.   Let me clarify that I mean A DRINK because my mother in law probably has drunk less alcohol  in her lifetime than the average 22-year-old drinks in a year.   But she does remind you of a giggly 22-year-old after she has one beer.

Each year, our family rents a beach house at the beach and typically she comes down for the last 4 days of our trip.  I am always excited when she arrives.   Whether we are discussing movies, religion, history or politics, I always find that I am having a wonderful time sharing our points of view.  She has a passion for life and a wonderful spirit and I can’t begin to imagine not having her in our life!  Lets face it I am definitely not a writer but what I am trying to convey is that I have the bestest (yes i know this isn’t a word) but still the bestest mother in law in the world.   As beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside I am truly blessed to have you in my life and I love you.

Two of the wonderful women in my life.

29 thoughts on “My Lovely Mother In Law

  1. How nice… you are all lucky people… Blessing and Happiness for you all. You made a wonderful post for her. I loved especially number 3, you captured such a nice smiling and looking eyes… Thank you dear MD, have a nice day, with my love, nia

  2. It’s very nice to hear that admission of love and gratitude from a man that love his wife very much and tremendous admiration and affection for his mother in love. You’re right that they’re both beautiful! Be happy forever! 🙂

  3. First of all, your writing is great (invalid words included). These shots (and models) are beautiful!

    It’s wonderful when you have the added bonus of not just loving, but liking your mother in law and I’m sure what a joy it is for her also, to have a loving son in law. Stay happy…

  4. Your sincerity jumps off the page… I’m very happy to see people happy with their in-laws cause all we hear is otherwise, so its refreshing to see that. I’m really sorry about your father’s loss, sounds tragic… I can’t say that I know what you’re going through but we almost lost my father to similar circumstances 8 years ago. He’s alive and doing well now so you hit a soft spot in me.
    All the best and thanks for sharing such a lovely post….. sometimes the words are just better than the images (no matter how great they are 😉 )

    • Thanks for your kind words… I saw my father the night before the incident and sadly I was also the one to walk into his house and realize that something was very wrong. The tragedy helped me put a lot of things into perspective such as cherish your family and friends because you never know what could happen from one hour to the next. I am very happy that your father is alive and well and I would hope that you guys frequently let him know how much you love him 🙂

  5. What a wonderful tribute to your mother in law. I also have a wonderful mother who treats her sons in law like her children. Can’t help but love her!

  6. First, she sounds like a fabulous woman. Second, I love the pictures & wish that I could hire you to photograph me. Seriously, I LIKE these.

  7. What a heartrending story! I’m sorry for your brutal loss, but I’m glad you still have wonderful people in your life.

    These are all lovely, but I really like #3 and #7. She looks so comfortable in those ones, and she has such a warm, beautiful smile.

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