Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I spent most of my day on Sunday editing photographs and when I finally logged into WordPress there was a very nice surprise bestowed on me from a fellow blogger Mona from at     I want to thank Mona for the award and it is an honor that she thinks we are inspirational bloggers.   We respect and admire Mona’s talents and enjoy following her blog.   Thanks again Mona for thinking about us!

Rules for this award:

1.Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Share 7 things about yourself

3. Pass the award to 7 nominees

So now onto 7 things about us.

1.  Our favorite sport is NFL football and probably the only one we watch.  Pretty sure our wives can only handle us missing in action on Sundays for 4 months out of the year.

2. My grandfather wrestled in the NWA and the WWWF and eventually had a heavy weight match against Buddy Rogers in Madison Square Garden.

3.  Marcus and I are both tech geeks.

4. My favorite Sitcom is still probably Three’s Company

5.  I actually love my mother in law

6.  My favorite Musical Artist’s are probably Prince & Sara McLachlan.

7.  Marcus has always had pets but I have never had one.

My Nominations are
Lionel at   for his stunning images of everything and anything.
Donna at  for her beautiful shots Eagles and pretty much anything that flies!
Clare at  for her photos of places to go and see in Maryland.
Pierre at for his photos of New Zealand
Donna at  well the name of her blog says it all.
Thanks again Mona!!

6 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Congrats guys, keep up the great posts! And what a surprise for me, a big thank you but not my formal one, I’ll be posting that! Here I am catching up on reading my faves, for some reason I started with your most recent and read backwards. I am sitting here laughing at myself, lol.

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